Monday, June 25, 2007

July President's Message

Hello Ladies!

As I was traveling back to the US for my home leave I was thinking about what to say to all of you this month. After we had a 3 hour delay on our flight to Germany we found out we had missed our connecting flight and were standing in line with many people in the same situation. It took us 3 hours to move 15 feet. I realized at this point as my husband and I were cracking jokes that India has taught me patience. We found something to laugh about, met some people who were waiting in line with us and also had everything work out in the end. It’s amazing to me the lessons we learn in daily life in another country. The most important is to know when to take time out, step back and take time for yourself!

We had a lovely luncheon for our combined meeting with Ladies Who Lunch and will have a regular but relaxed meeting for July. Come and join in and find out “Who’s In Town!” We have so many new people coming in and I hope we can all take time to introduce yourself and help them settle in.

I look forward to seeing all of you when I get back. In the meantime, Enjoy yourself and relax!

Stephanie Thompson

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