Tuesday, May 16, 2006

President's Message

Well, it’s that time of year again, new President, new Committee and hopefully some new ideas!
Our aim is threefold, firstly to inject some life into the monthly meetings by making them both informative and entertaining, secondly to increase awareness amongst the membership with regards to the charities we support and thirdly, to provide a support group to those new in town and to strengthen those bonds already made.
With this in mind we will be continuing with our Ladies Who Lunch, our Bookclub meetings and the Childrens Playgroup as these have proved popular, particularly in the case of the Childrens Playgroup which I know many of the mums view as a real lifeline. Two of these activities have been organized by Felicity Kelly who is leaving Chennai in the near future and will be greatly missed by all her friends. She has given the OWC a lot of her time over the four years she has been here and it has been greatly appreciated. In fact a few of the OWC members will be leaving Chennai over the next couple of months and we’d like to wish them all the best in whichever country they find themselves. Let’s hope they are not all as hot as Chennai!
As we are indeed going into the hottest months of the year and so many members head out of town we have decided that Mays general meeting will be a ‘Pot Luck’ Luncheon at Lisa Feldmanns house (details in the newsletter.) For those of you who are not familiar with this, basically it means everyone brings one dish which will be shared by all. She has kindly offered to open her house to the members and says she can cater for up to 100!
Also, for June we have decided to forego the usual monthly meeting at the Park Sheraton due to depleted numbers and will instead invite members to come along to the Ladies Who Lunch at the new Copper Chimney restaurant (details in the newsletter) for informal chat and hopefully, good food.
The main event that is coming up in the OWC calendar is the Welcome Back Lunch at the new Courtyard Marriott hotel on Wednesday 16th August. The theme this year is International Day and so come decked out in your countries finest national costume. This can be as serious or tongue-in-cheek as you like. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!
At this event we will have an International Gift Table which we would like small donations for please. When you are on your summer break please pick up something which represents that country. This could be in the form of a fridge magnet, keyring, coaster – anything would be greatly appreciated. We will sell these on the day and raise funds for our charities. Thank you!
We will keep you updated over the summer months on the blog as we are consolidating April and Mays newsletters. The next newsletter will be out in June and the next General Meeting at the Park Sheraton will be on Wednesday 12th July.
Enjoy the hot months ladies, and I look forward to seeing you all in July.
Jo Frogbrook

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